We began working with TenneT in 2010, when they merged with the German high‑voltage grid from E.ON, developing their new identity and logo. Since then, we’ve worked with them on a wide variety of projects. One of those was creating the concept for an annual magazine that tells the story of TenneT.

Powering people
They own around 23,000 kilometres of high‑voltage lines and cables. And transport electricity to 42 million homes and businesses. It’s quite a challenge.
Yet TenneT does it successfully every day. Founded in 1998, TenneT is the leading transmission system operator for the Netherlands and Germany, employing over 3,000 people and operating 435 electricity stations.
Turning on the spotlights
Though some consumers perhaps haven’t heard of TenneT, the company plays a vital role in our daily lives. By creating a magazine that explains the company’s impact and explores the future of energy, we created an attractive way of getting to know the brand – while sharing brief insights about the benefits of the company.

We used infographics to turn complex data into captivating imagery, creating a company update to connect with the general public.
Easy switching
TenneT is doing incredible work today, but also has big ideas about the future – and just like the positive and negative charge of electricity, they’re interconnected.
We wanted to share both sides of the story, while showing how today is connected to the future. That’s why the story is split in two parts – Today and Tomorrow – and to get to the other side you just flip the magazine. Easy does it!

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